Welcome to Hotel Whiskey Aviation!

Hotel Whiskey Aviation first offered ER Tanks for the RV-4 in 2002. Now, we have units flying in the RV-4, RV-6, RV-7, RV-8, RV-9, RV-10 and RV-14!

Due to the advanced resin systems available in composites today and the rising cost of aluminum tubing, we are manufacturing composite tanks from here on out. We did extensive testing for over a year with different fuel-proof resin systems.

Extended Range Fuel Tanks - "ER" Tanks - are designed and manufactured by Hotel Whiskey Aviation, LLC. ER Tanks bring high quality, low cost solutions to the RV community for builders and pilots wanting extended range and improved operating safety margins for their RVs.

The legendary RV is well known for its high performance, low cost, and great looks! Builders often choose the RV because of a desire to use the aircraft for extensive travel around the country, and it's a great airplane for that mission. Extended Range Fuel Tanks promote this mission by reducing the number of required fuel stops and increasing the time in the air. Pilots are able to change their flight planning logistics for long trips and improve the "net performance" of the airplane.

Hotel Whiskey Aviation’s parent company also offers -

  • Build assist for all experimental aircraft.

  • Custom composite work.

  • Custom metal fabrication and more!

  • Have an idea or a need for your aircraft? We can build it!

Click here for all of your experimental aviation needs!


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